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Game drives

Game drives

Our game viewing drives are available for both mornings and evenings, as this is when the animals are most active. Our vehicles are open and comfortable and give you a panoramic view of the area. You’ll be guided by one of our trained game rangers who’ll take you and your party through the farm, encountering many animals along the way.
Mountain biking

Mountain biking

Wide, groomed single track through the veld with moderate grades. Features include easy stream crossings, trees and dramatic views of the wildlife.
Bush Hikes

Bush Hikes

Discover the stunning South-African bush on your own or accompanied through hiking & bushwalk adventures during your stay at Mount Marula Game Lodge.
Fly in

Fly in

The lodge is equipped with a well-kept 800 meter dirt landing strip for flying with your own aircraft.
Bird Safari's

Bird Safari's

Enjoy a guided bird safari through the different eco-systems of the bush. If you’re a casual bird watcher, all you need is walking shoes and a dollop of enthusiasm while serious bird watchers can look forward to unusual sightings.


Guests can unwind with a book or share your game experiences with the other guests over a drink. "We are lucky because we still have a magnificent temple called nature where we can find peace of mind in it - Mehmet Murat ildan"